Ranger and Leopard Wins Gran Paradiso Award of Italy in 2018

Ranger and Leopard
A Scene from “Ranger and Leopard” Documentary
Ranger and Leopard
A Scene from “Ranger and Leopard” Documentary

The Iranian documentary called “Ranger and Leopard” has won the international award of Gran Paradiso of Italy in 2018. This film festival is held in Gran Paradiso National Park of Italy. This year, the joint effort of two Iranian directors, Mr.Fathollah Amiri and Mr.Nima Asgary, bore fruit.

What’ s Ranger and Leopard about?

Ranger and Leopard is the story of an environment enthusiast who loves nature and wildlife. He’s Mohammad Reza Halvani. He works in a protected area near Esfahan where no traces of any leopard has been officially recorded. Still, he’s hopeful to see one as he’s received some unsure reports about the presence of this animal.

As the movie Ranger and Leopard develops, he confronts several challenges and is involved in many adventures to be able to spot this rare animal. Leopards exist in Iran but in small numbers. On the other hand, they are the animals who are famous for their camouflage in nature.

The rangers working in protected areas are well-known as very hardworking people in Iran. They have to face several hardships to be able to take care of wildlife and nature under their responsibility. The common people haven’t been educated sufficiently to know the value of certain species yet.

Other Awards Reaped by Ranger and Leopard

This movie has won the 21st award of “CinemAmbiente” of Italy, New York’s “Big Cat”, Ireland’s 7th film festival called “Silk Route” and become a candidate of a couple of other film festivals. This is a relatively new trend in Iran to make movies in this genre. Hopefully, there will be more products supporting environment protection fans in Iran and across the world.

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