What souvenirs should I take to travel to Iran?

Souvenirs to Iran
Souvenirs to Iran
According to "Destination Iran" and following "Persian Art Gallery in Canada", if you are planning to travel to Iran and think about taking anything with you to your friends and relatives, you may consider pottery, ceramics, and porcelain as souvenirs to Iran.

If you want to travel to Iran and bring souvenirs for your friends and family, we suggest you read this article to the end. This article will help you to buy souvenirs for your friends according to their tastes and deliver them to Iran.

One of the most attractive souvenirs can be kitchen and catering utensils that all Iranians use, both inside and outside the country.

One of the most important concerns in buying kitchen utensils is choosing the type. There are many different types of dishes on the market today, with different brands, and this variety may mislead you a little in your shopping.

Knowing the composition of different dishes and their differences will help you to buy the dish according to your needs. The most obvious difference between porcelain and ceramic dishes is their use. One of them cannot be considered definitively superior. Each of them has its own characteristics that may come in handy.

We suggest you join us in this article because here we are going to tell you the difference between these dishes. Undoubtedly, we will answer many of your questions.

The difference between pottery, ceramics, and porcelain

Pottery is one of the oldest man-made tools. In fact, pottery refers to the making of pottery and objects from clay. Most people do not know the difference between pottery and ceramics.

Regarding the most important difference between these dishes, it is necessary to know that there are different types of ceramics, of which pottery and porcelain are one. In addition, pottery and ceramics differ in the type of raw materials. Pottery is made from paste-shaped clay, so it is made by hand using pottery wheels.

Ceramic vessels are made by combining clay with kaolin, quartz, silica, and stoneware. Ceramic mud is much thinner than pottery mud and has a slurry state. For this reason, ceramic dishes are made in ready-made molds.

Pottery has a lower degree of baking and its stickiness is higher than ceramic dishes. Ceramic dishes, on the other hand, are more glazed and can be baked at temperatures above 1080 ° C.

According to our definition of ceramic tableware, porcelain tableware is also a type of ceramic. The main difference between porcelain and ceramic dishes is in the type of raw materials and their cooking temperature. Porcelain dishes are one of the healthiest dishes for eating.

In the following, we will fully explain the difference between ceramic and porcelain dishes.

Porcelain Ceramics Pottery

Porcelain and ceramic structure

Ceramic dishes are prepared in special ovens with a lower temperature than porcelain dishes. Usually, during the baking process, pores are created inside their pottery. In the next step, the dishes are covered with a special layer of glaze to reduce their permeability.

The quality of ceramic dishes depends on the type of glaze. The glaze is a thin layer of silicate that covers the outer and inner surfaces of the container and increases its strength. The right glaze makes the ceramic dish smooth, uniform and doubles its beauty.

Porcelain or porcelain tableware is more durable than ceramic tableware. Porcelain was first imported from China to other parts of the world, which is why it is called Chinese in Iran. Porcelain is another name for porcelain dishes, which are known by this name in different parts of the world. To know what kind of soil porcelain is made of, it should be said that these dishes are made of high-quality clay, feldspar, kaolin, and quartz.

The process of making porcelain dishes is done at a higher temperature and the quality of raw materials is better. Porcelain dishes are thinner than ceramic dishes. Porcelain is more durable, but ceramic is porous and slightly lighter.

Regarding porcelain and ceramic paints, it should be said that depending on the type of glaze, porcelain paints are usually clearer and brighter. Porcelain dishes have a luxurious and beautiful appearance, are anti-scratch and anti-stain, and are used for more formal parties.

If you want to know more about the shape, color, and glaze of porcelain, you should visit an art shop in Canada to touch them carefully. For example, Persian Art Gallery is a good choice for you.

Souvenirs for Iranian Relatives

Application of ceramic dishes and porcelain dishes

Given the characteristics of ceramic and porcelain tableware, it may be thought that choosing ceramic tableware is not the right thing to do. We must say that this belief is completely false. Ceramic dishes, if properly covered with quality glaze, can be used for a long time and have good resistance.

Ceramic tableware is lighter than porcelain tableware due to its high porosity, and at the same time, it is more reasonably priced. Another difference between these dishes is their appearance, which depends entirely on your taste.

Ceramic dishes can retain heat longer, which is why ceramic cups or mugs are more popular than porcelain cups. In comparison, porcelain dishes do not change the taste of food and drink and are less permeable.

As we mentioned, each of these dishes has different uses and you need to buy with the right knowledge and according to your needs.

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